These are not organised by me, but I signed up to take part in them.
1. Birdwing by Rafe Martin hosted by Minerva101 (Lost in the mail?) Bookray
2. Max and the cats by Moacyr Scliar & E.F.Giacomelli hosted by jmcbeth (Lost in the mail?) Bookray
3. The Vampyre: The Secret History of Lord Byron by Tom Holland hosted by taniazed (Not started yet) Bookring
4. Sunshine by Robin McKinley hosted by colebear (Lost in the mail?) Bookring
5. The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd hosted by Herbwench(Not started yet) Bookray
6. Little white lies by Bernadette Strachan hosted by Wandering-B (Stalled) Bookring
7. I am legend by Richard Matheson. Hosted by CollegeLady (Asked to be skipped) Bookray
8. Remember me? by Sophie Kinsella. Hosted by andthings (Not started yet) Bookray
9. A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. Hosted by TomHI (Asked to be skipped) Bookray
10. Non-stop by Brian Aldiss. Hosted by dark-draco (Asked to be skipped) Bookring
11. What the dead know by Laura Lippman. Hosted by acountkel (Lost in the mail?) Bookring