Around the world 2008 challenge
Panama: 2 books sent on Jan 18th 2008, South Africa: 1 book to another BCer (Journaled), Kuwait: 1 book to another BCer (Journaled), Dominican Republic: 1 book given to a friend to wild release, Nicaragua: 1 book wild released in Granada.Lifetime Release Challenge (2007-20??)
I have sent books to the following countries so far: Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Canada, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, England, Finland, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Iran, Ireland, Kuwait, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, The Netherlands, USA.
The Ultimate Challenge 2008
Points so far: 188 points + 3 charity releases
Books read so far this year: 56! :)
(I'm not counting partially read books, although they do count for the challenge)