Make somebody smile
BTW: my address has been updated at ;)
I have sent 32 packages so far and I'm getting the last (aprox. 5) packages ready to be send at the end of this month and the beginning of December.
RABCKs have been suspended for now since I can't afford sending gifts and books at the same time. :(
Sobergirl: a donation to the Red Cross was made in January :)
Packges that have arrived:
ChristyC1, Chubsiewhubsie, Airam67, rororosie, discoverylover, Doveilibri, Kubchen, blundery, kittiwake, suebooks, AmberC, bluesneak, MRWigley, sister-act, k00kaburra, gomboggit, chocolatemummy, jarrett622, Atalante3134, queenfrog, nvangel, fbeatriz, libertine101, boirina, nikkilovesbooks, Amberkatze, Classicfox, Shadowflax and Christmasspirit, Ered, MyssCyn.
MIA: PRCS, seems like it got lost in the mail.
I recently sent something to: moonblue, starbrightxx, feierabend, sophiathereader, Safrolistics, Pitangus, Elizardbreath (finally!), bflybabe, Oonaroyale2, Genielady, Laprofe.
I hope they arrive soon ;)
I have received postcards and goodies from:
Atalante3134, KateKintail, Sister-act, 4libros, Libertine101, Captain_Peleg, LastEdition, Boirina, Pyrospiglet, Oi-reader, Bluecat07, Kubchen, LoriandSam, Nikkilovesbooks, Squirk, thegoaliegirl, Glitterlover, Bargainqueen, Angela861, Tiatia, Klaradyn, Ilios
THANK YOU ALL! *Hugs* :)
I have given thanks, either by PM or by using the Thank you thread for everything that has arrived. If you sent me something and never heard from me, that means it never arrived :(
However, you know what they say: Is the thought what counts; so Thank You to all of you that sent me something, or even consider sending me something and, for one reason or another, couldn't. Happy Holidays to all of you!!!! :)
Stop The Fire, Save The Forest Release Challenge
August 24th through September 24th 2007
16 books released, along with a newspaper article about the fires in Greece and the sticker designed for the challenge.
If you want you can add this image to the JE of the books you release for this challenge, just right click on it and choose: save image as. After that you can upload it in the journal entries.
16 books released, along with a newspaper article about the fires in Greece and the sticker designed for the challenge.
If you want you can add this image to the JE of the books you release for this challenge, just right click on it and choose: save image as. After that you can upload it in the journal entries.

List of books read in 2007
40. Leanna, possesion of a woman by Marie Kiraly (Reserved)
39. Create your own Artist's Journal by Erin O'Toole (PC)
38. Confessions of an ugly stepsister by G. MacGuire (Bookring)
37. One red paperclip by Kyle MacDonald (Bookring)
36. Highlander in her bed by Allie MacKay (Taken)
35. Lucy Sullivan is getting married by Marian Keyes (Available)
34. La Brecha by Alejandro Volnié (Available)
33. Gerald's Game by Stephen King (Available)
32. The Giver by Lois Lowry (Lent by Gringuitica)
31. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (Released in the wild)
30. He is just not that into you by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo (Taken)
29. Los Días Enmascarados by Carlos Fuentes (Released in the wild)
28. A Girl Could Stand Up by Leslie Marshall (Taken)
27. Lost Boys by Orson Scott Card (Lent to Gringuitica)
26. The Nanny Diaries by Emma Mclaughlin (Lent by Gringuitica)
25. Conociendo la comunidad by Sonia Guimaraes (PC)
24. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (Bookring)
23. Winnie-the-pooh by A. A. Milne (PC)
22. Confessions of a shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella (Taken)
21. Highlander: White silence (PC)
20. Harry Potter VII (PC)
19. The Angel is near by Deepak Chopra (Taken)
18. The cat who went into the closet by Lillian Braun (Taken)
17. The last juror by John Grisham (Available)
16. The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by Douglas Adams (Taken)
15. Even vampires get the blues by Kate MacAlister (Taken)
14. Una langosta en la casa invisible by Marcelo Juan Valenti (PC)
13.The Venus Fix by M.J.Rose (Taken)
12. The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier (Taken)
11. Deep in the Darkness by Michael Laimo (Available)
10. El enigma del cuatro by Ian Cadwell (PC)
9. No more dying then by Ruth Rendell (Taken)
8. The Cat Who Talked Turkey by Lilian Jackson Braun (Taken)
7. Valley of the Shadow by Charlotte Hughes (Taken)
6. The storekeepers daughter by Wanda Brunstetter (Taken)
5. Ender el xenocida by Orson Scott Card (PC)
4. La conjura sixtina by Philipp Vandenberg (PC)
3. La voz de los muertos by Orson Scott Card (PC)
2. Molly Moon y el increible libro del hipnotismo by Georgia Byng (Lent to Adriana)
1. El talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub (Released in the wild)
List of books read 2004-2006
Read in 2006:
1. No te ahogues en un vaso de agua by R. Carlson
2. La conspiración by Dan Brown
3. El turno del escriba by Ema Wolf and G. Montes
4. La gata que se fue para el cielo by Elizabeth Coatsworth
5. La plagua escarlata y otros cuentos by J. London
6. El zorro by Isabel Allende
7. El Zahir by Paulo Coehlo
8. Todos los nombres by José Saramago
9. El retorno de Merlín by Deepack Chopra
10. La práctica del monje Zen by D.T. Suzuki
11. Ensayo sobre la ceguera by José Saramago
12. Las ratas en la paredes y otros cuentos by H.P. Lovecraft
13. La pimpinela escarlata by Baroneza D'Orczy
14. Bichos y demás parientes by Gerald Durrell
15. El zen de la alimentación by Ronna Kabatznick
16. El reino del dragón de oro by Isabel Allende
17. Leyendas celtas: Cúchulainn
18. El año del laberinto by Tatiana Lobo
19. Maktub by Paulo Coehlo
20. El juego de Ender by Orson Scott Card
21. La telaraña by Agatha Christie
22. La sombra de Ender by Orson Scott Card
23. El jardín de los dioses by Gerald Durrell
24. El centinela by Arthur C. Clark
25. La sombra del Hegemón by Orson Scott Card
26. La inquilina de Wildfell Hall by Anne Brönte
27. Muchas vidas, muchos maestros by Brian Weiss
28. Los mensajes secretos del agua by Masaro Emoto
29. La joven del arete de perla by Tracy Chevalier
30. El silencio de los corderos by Thomas Harris
31. Cuando los cuentos crecen by Evelyn Ugalde
32. El enigma vivaldi by Peter Harris
Books read in 2005
1. Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
2. Cuentos de Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
3. Asesinatos S.L. by Jack London
4. Las aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar A. Poe
5. El albergue de las mujeres tristes by Marcela Serrano
6. La llamada de Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft
7. Dagón by H. P. Lovecraft
8. El demonio y la señorita Pym by Paulo Coehlo
9. La tumba by H. P. Lovecraft
10. Lecciones de zen para alcanzar sus sueños by R. Rubi and S.A. Gold
11. La gloria del Olivo by J.J. Benitez
12. El arte de amar by Louis Hay
13. Libérate con el Feng Shui by K. Kingston
14. Grandes Maestros de la pintura: Vincent van Gogh
15. En la cripta y otros cuentos by H. P. Lovecraft
16. El conde de Montecristo by A. Dumas
17. La señora de las especias by C. Banerjee
18. Novelas de Maigret by Georges Simeon
19. El clérigo maligno by H. P. Lovecraft
20. El caos reptante by H. P. Lovecraft
21. Encerrado con los faraones by H. P. Lovecraft
22. Zen stories for all ages: "one hand clapping"
23. Harry Potter y el príncipe mestizo by J. K. Rowling
24. El caso de Charles Dexter Ward by H. P. Lovecraft
25. Los ojos del dragón by Stephen King
Read in 2004
1. Cuentos de terror y misterio by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. Señor Dios, soy Ana by Fynn
3. El egiptólogo by Christian Jacq
4. La novela de una momia by Theophile Gautier
5. Las 10 perlas de sabiduría by Eleanor Jacobs
6. Un saco de huesos by Stephen King
7. Harry Potter y la orden del Fenix by J. K. Rowling
8. Zen y el arte del tiro con arco by Eugen Herrigel
9. Taltos, las brujas de Mayfair by Anne Rice
10. La tabls de Flandes by Arturo Perez Reverte
11. Camino de vida by Karlfried Durkheim
12. El código DaVinci by Dan Brown
13. Un manual de vida by Epicteto
14. Secretos del budo by John Stevens
15. Mitología del ajedrez by Francesca Cardona
16. Los hombres dichosos y otros cuentos by R. L. Stevenson
17. Magallanes, la tierra es redonda by Jean Michel Barrault
18. Fray Cadfael, un dulce sabor a muerte by Ellis Peters
19. Los crímenes de Cater Street by Anne Perry
20. Los cadáveres de Callander Square by Anne Perry
21. El retrato de Rose Madder by stephen King
22. Fábulas by R.L. Stevenson
23. La señora Frisby y las ratas de Nimh
24. Ivanhoe by Walter Scott
25. Mi familia y otros animales by Gerald Durrell
1. No te ahogues en un vaso de agua by R. Carlson
2. La conspiración by Dan Brown
3. El turno del escriba by Ema Wolf and G. Montes
4. La gata que se fue para el cielo by Elizabeth Coatsworth
5. La plagua escarlata y otros cuentos by J. London
6. El zorro by Isabel Allende
7. El Zahir by Paulo Coehlo
8. Todos los nombres by José Saramago
9. El retorno de Merlín by Deepack Chopra
10. La práctica del monje Zen by D.T. Suzuki
11. Ensayo sobre la ceguera by José Saramago
12. Las ratas en la paredes y otros cuentos by H.P. Lovecraft
13. La pimpinela escarlata by Baroneza D'Orczy
14. Bichos y demás parientes by Gerald Durrell
15. El zen de la alimentación by Ronna Kabatznick
16. El reino del dragón de oro by Isabel Allende
17. Leyendas celtas: Cúchulainn
18. El año del laberinto by Tatiana Lobo
19. Maktub by Paulo Coehlo
20. El juego de Ender by Orson Scott Card
21. La telaraña by Agatha Christie
22. La sombra de Ender by Orson Scott Card
23. El jardín de los dioses by Gerald Durrell
24. El centinela by Arthur C. Clark
25. La sombra del Hegemón by Orson Scott Card
26. La inquilina de Wildfell Hall by Anne Brönte
27. Muchas vidas, muchos maestros by Brian Weiss
28. Los mensajes secretos del agua by Masaro Emoto
29. La joven del arete de perla by Tracy Chevalier
30. El silencio de los corderos by Thomas Harris
31. Cuando los cuentos crecen by Evelyn Ugalde
32. El enigma vivaldi by Peter Harris
Books read in 2005
1. Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
2. Cuentos de Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
3. Asesinatos S.L. by Jack London
4. Las aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar A. Poe
5. El albergue de las mujeres tristes by Marcela Serrano
6. La llamada de Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft
7. Dagón by H. P. Lovecraft
8. El demonio y la señorita Pym by Paulo Coehlo
9. La tumba by H. P. Lovecraft
10. Lecciones de zen para alcanzar sus sueños by R. Rubi and S.A. Gold
11. La gloria del Olivo by J.J. Benitez
12. El arte de amar by Louis Hay
13. Libérate con el Feng Shui by K. Kingston
14. Grandes Maestros de la pintura: Vincent van Gogh
15. En la cripta y otros cuentos by H. P. Lovecraft
16. El conde de Montecristo by A. Dumas
17. La señora de las especias by C. Banerjee
18. Novelas de Maigret by Georges Simeon
19. El clérigo maligno by H. P. Lovecraft
20. El caos reptante by H. P. Lovecraft
21. Encerrado con los faraones by H. P. Lovecraft
22. Zen stories for all ages: "one hand clapping"
23. Harry Potter y el príncipe mestizo by J. K. Rowling
24. El caso de Charles Dexter Ward by H. P. Lovecraft
25. Los ojos del dragón by Stephen King
Read in 2004
1. Cuentos de terror y misterio by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. Señor Dios, soy Ana by Fynn
3. El egiptólogo by Christian Jacq
4. La novela de una momia by Theophile Gautier
5. Las 10 perlas de sabiduría by Eleanor Jacobs
6. Un saco de huesos by Stephen King
7. Harry Potter y la orden del Fenix by J. K. Rowling
8. Zen y el arte del tiro con arco by Eugen Herrigel
9. Taltos, las brujas de Mayfair by Anne Rice
10. La tabls de Flandes by Arturo Perez Reverte
11. Camino de vida by Karlfried Durkheim
12. El código DaVinci by Dan Brown
13. Un manual de vida by Epicteto
14. Secretos del budo by John Stevens
15. Mitología del ajedrez by Francesca Cardona
16. Los hombres dichosos y otros cuentos by R. L. Stevenson
17. Magallanes, la tierra es redonda by Jean Michel Barrault
18. Fray Cadfael, un dulce sabor a muerte by Ellis Peters
19. Los crímenes de Cater Street by Anne Perry
20. Los cadáveres de Callander Square by Anne Perry
21. El retrato de Rose Madder by stephen King
22. Fábulas by R.L. Stevenson
23. La señora Frisby y las ratas de Nimh
24. Ivanhoe by Walter Scott
25. Mi familia y otros animales by Gerald Durrell
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